Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Build God, Then We'll Talk [1 and 2]

Hellooo everyone!
I got new P!ATD shots up! Check them out!



That one took forever to get the right angle...
And now the other one!



I need to be a little more dramatic next time. P!ATD is like the most dramatic band ever and my shots are like sissy shots compared to the way they are. Enjoy!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pretty Pink Sloth.

Today's Pretty Pink Tuesday theme was the seven deadly sins... So I did sloth :D

Today will be another boring day of school... but maybe tomorrow will be better - my babylove is home for a week and a half for spring break! :D


Monday, February 23, 2009

5/52: "Love of beauty is taste; The creation of beauty is art."

Before and after from today's shot:

I had a pretty lame day today... nothing exciting happpened.
So, just enjoy that before and after! :D


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Time To Dance - Before/After

I am completely amazed by this...
I can't believe I did it!

It took me about 3 hours to edit... I'm sure you can see why!

I hope everyone enjoyed my first installment to my Panic! At The Disco inspired set. Keep your eyes open for more to come! :D


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pretty Pink Skirt Day!

Okay, so it's a tad late, but I decided to post a before and after of this shot because the editing was decently extensive although it looks quite simple. We'll just say I shaved off about 10 or 15 lbs :D I also fixed the hem of my skirt....virtually :]



I quite like how this came out now that I look at it :]
